My company writes software for the communications systems used by many broadcasters, including NBC, who use a large system for covering the Olympics. This is my 5th trip to the Olympics providing support to NBC inside the IBC, and these are my ramblings on what's going on in Torino and at the Games.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Blog Mechanics

I've had a few people try to post comments to the blog, and think it's not working because they can't see their comment after they post it, and some have tried re-posting just in case. The problem is that I have enabled "comment moderation", which means that I get to see each comment and then approve it (or delete it) before it gets posted to the blog. This prevents spammers and flamers from posting inappropriate material to the blog. Granted, I don't get that much traffic, and haven't had any problems yet, but I think I will leave this feature enabled. So, don't worry if you don't see your comment posted right away, I'll get to it as soon as I can (and will only delete comments that were double posted).

You may have noticed that some of the text in my posts has a different colour (including sometimes the post title). That means that the text is a hyper-link to another page. Usually, I use this to link to an athlete's profile, or the news story about an event.

Also, I've just noticed that the blog starts to scroll older posts off the bottom, so they do not appear on the main page. Some of these still appear in the list of "Recent Posts" in the sidebar where my profile is (which unfortunately shows at the bottom of the blog in Internet Explorer). Posts that don't show up on the main page, or in the list of recent posts, can be accessed via the Archives lists for Januaray and February (also in the sidebar).

Note also, that you can click on post entries in the sidebar and get a separate page for each post, and in this mode, all the comments are shown following the post (as opposed to having to click the comments link to see previous comments).

Lastly, I've had some comments regarding my choice of headgear in my profile post. I don't know what your are talking about - that hat is the pinnacle of fashion here, and is really quite the chick magnet. So there!


Tammy and Jacqueline work in the Broadcast Operations Centre (BOC), which is just outside COMMs, and both think that I look quite handsome in my hoser hat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your hat "Bob".....ummm I mean "Doug"....

7:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice dorky hat... proud to be a Canadian "A"
not sure about it being a chick magnet!

Friend from Susan's work

10:21 AM


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